Official Song of the 2020 Gutterclub Vodka Party
Los Graduados, El Aguardientosky #CumbiaTodoLaNoche
Irish person’s reaction to Brexit – in video
(Wait ’til the very end…..) IPSOS-Mori carried out a survey of all Irish people, asking the question “What is you’re reaction to the word “Brexit”? After analysing the results, they commissioned stop-motion artist, Bernard Tyers to represent the results in a stop-motion short movie. Here is the result. Tyers is quoted as saying, “I feel…
Shoreham Wind Turbines
These wind turbines are installed in the harbour at Shoreham-By-Sea. They’re remotely managed from Spain.
Kojon Prieto – A mi me gusta el marisco (Bilbainada)
Los pimientos del piquillo ¡qué pimientos!, las alubias de Sangüesa y la trucha con jamón, cogollicos de Tudela, la cuajada de la abuela y el cordero al chilindrón. ¡Qué bien me sienta el marisco! Con champán, mucho mejor. Me río yo de Jalisco, de mi tierra no me voy. Las cerecicas de Echauri ¡qué…
Comida con Pena Oberena y Iraunkorrak Txaranga
Another year, another comida, another patxaran, another joke, another laugh. (Si quieres descarga la video, si puedes aqui. Esta link tiene el .MP4 )
Never Can Say Hit That Perfect Beat Boy, Don’t leave me this way
Searching for some company feel the rhythm dance with me. Them beat boy blues seem out of place
The mystery of Picasso (1956) trailer
The trailer for Henri-Georges Clouzot’s 1956 documentary “The Mystery of Picasso” (1956) ((Open Culture website and article)) which is available on Amazon ((DVD on Amazon)).
Pete Seeger, RIP.
Pete Seeger, activist, singer, songwriter died today aged 94. Ar dheis Dé go Raibh a Anam. Pete Seeger singing “I’m gonna be an engineer”, a song written by his sister Peggy.
Mandela is free
I know it’s a sad day that Nelson Mandela has passed away. Instead of being sad, I’d like to remember him with this song, one of my favourites, from Eric Bibb. Rest In Peace Mandela.
Que jodido estoy
You can see me at minute 00:07, 2:15 and 03:00 doing my best Alan Lomax impression. “Amapola (Pretty Little Poppy)” is a 1924 song by Cádiz-born composer José María Lacalle García (later Joseph Lacalle), with Spanish lyrics. After the composer died in 1937, English language lyrics were written by Albert Gamse. (From <a href=wikipedia) Amapola…