I’ve known Bomber since 1999/2000 as a regular at the Fiesta of San Fermín.
I’m posting this photo of Bomber, Joe Distler (a very famous American who has run the encierro since the 60s), Jim Hollander (who has photographed the fiesta since the early 70s), and Jessie Graham (who has been going to the fiesta since the 60s). I took it on the 2nd last day of fiesta in 2011.
I’m reposting (after runningwithbulls.com went offline last year) after coming across a beautiful video about “travel love” ((Travel Love by Christian Grewe)) posted to Vimeo by Christian Grewe ((Christian’s profile on Vimeo.com)).
Christian was travelling around Bangkok and met the infamous, and mysterious Bomber.
In the comments of Christian’s video, Bomber’s cousin, who also came across the video by chance, explained “what Bomber was” ((Vickie’s comment on Vimeo)):
I was going through some of your video and to my happy surprised but made my heart skip a beat was my cousin in this video. You will see the boxers, then some guy on a bike and the El Bomber, sitting in a chair with sunglasses and longer grey hair. El Bomber past away this past Feb. at the age of 65. He ran with the bulls every year since the age of 20 or so and still did in 2012. He is a hero to many. Thank you for making this video and including a wonderful man.
So, here is the photo for you Vickie and Christian. This year we’ll be raising a class to Bomber as we did last year. Take it to the limit!
The Internet really is a small place.