Category: mallorca
November Twilight
Now Winter at the end of dayAlong the ridges takes her way, Upon her twilight round to lightThe faithful candles of the night. November Twilight by Bliss Carman
Ensaimada de sobrasada
A Mallorquín pastry – pastry with sobrasada (a meat sausage with pimienta, strong flavour like fuet, nudja) topped with sugar. Strong, but tasty with a coffee. Normally eaten on a celebration day.
Week 44: this weeks new words
Español Cobre: copper Macete: pot Vajilla: crockery Tetera: teapot Juego de café: coffee set Mallorquí cap de fiblo: a tornado (or tornado-like) weather phenomenon is called a cap de fibló in Mallorca when it hits land (It is called a mànegue or a fiblon when it occurs out in the sea.). You can see a…
Chary y yo
Oye Chary, no sé quién eres, pero tengo novia. Lo siento.
The most traditional way of eating calçots is at a calçotada – an annual gastronomical celebration held between November and April. Calçots are grilled until charred, wrapped in newspaper to steam, then consumed by peeling off the charred skin and dipping the white portion in salvitxada or romesco sauce. The green tops are discarded. The…