Halftime 8-12
Halftime, 8-12. Will the next post be as celebratory? 🤐🤐 #6nations #IreEng
RIP Bishop Desmond Tutu
Y es de verdad, pero no sé que pasapor la república sudafricanaNelson Mandela, está entre rejasy han concedido un Premio Nobel de la pazA Desmond Tutu.Y hablan de represión, contra mineros,contra obreros y estudiantes negros, y es de verdadla resistencia está entre rejasY han concedido un Premio Noble de la paz: (Ja, Ja)A Desmond Tutu.
November Twilight
Now Winter at the end of dayAlong the ridges takes her way, Upon her twilight round to lightThe faithful candles of the night. November Twilight by Bliss Carman
Week 46: words of the week!
Español Somier: bed base (sommier (French) – bed springs, the base structure that supports a beds mattress) Cesar: to terminate (in the context of employment)
Week 45: words of the week
Español Arándanos: (fruit) disminuir: to diminish (verb. similar to reducir) invernadero: glasshouse cotidiana: everyday (in)certidumbre: certitude (un/certainty) Negó: denied (verb: negar -to deny) La derrota: the defeat Apenas: barely (“apenas una hora antes de….” Barely an hour after…) Aún: yet (aún no lo sé – i don’t know yet)
Chary y yo
Oye Chary, no sé quién eres, pero tengo novia. Lo siento.
Week 43: this weeks new words
Castellano Babilla: a specific cut of meat from a cow. Part of the hind legs formed by a set of muscles and tendons that articulate the femur with the tibia and the patella. Taste wise it is dry, you can cook it whole, on the brasa, sliced in stew or in fillets. Tejone: badger Colmena:…
Marino Waltz
The Marino Waltz was written by John Sheahan, of The Dubliners.
Yes minister at 40
You’d have gotten a kick out of this, Dad. Tonight the BFI had a special event for the 40th birthday of Yes Minister. They of had a screening of Yes Minister episode “Party Games” – in which Jim Hacker decides to run for leader of the party and makes a European issue part of his…
The most traditional way of eating calçots is at a calçotada – an annual gastronomical celebration held between November and April. Calçots are grilled until charred, wrapped in newspaper to steam, then consumed by peeling off the charred skin and dipping the white portion in salvitxada or romesco sauce. The green tops are discarded. The…