J.P. Guivier & Co.

J.P. Guivier & Co shop front on Mortimer Street, London

A picture of different sized, and weighted conductors batons organised on a series of shelves.

J.P Guivier, England’s oldest stringed instrument shop, established in 1863, located on Mortimer Street, London. It was established by Joseph Prosper Guivier.

The ground floor houses the shop which has violins (“from £6,000 to £60,000) are on sale.

The 1st and 2nd floor houses the music rooms where prospective clientele are able to play the instruments before investing. (“We’ve had a gentleman in playing a chello all morning”.)

When I visited I was struck by the international accents of their clientele. (“I’m going back to my country in 3 weeks….Yes I have a music teacher when I go home”.)

The second photo is of conductor’s batons, organised by weight and size on shelves.

A very nice interview with the staff is avilable on the Final Note website.