This is the third day experimenting with my KX3.
I’m getting faster at the SOTABEAMS endfed antenna setup and teardown (about 5mins and 3mins).
Today there was a lot of QSB.
Across 20M and 40M, I heard France (TM16FF, TM14JO, TM14IR), Italy (IQ0RU), Spain (EA7HTE), and Russian language stations. At times they were S +9, and 30 seconds later barely S 1.
Worst part was I’m calling into the void! With 5W, no-one can hear me. 🙉
One good thing is I’ve managed to get the hang of voice recordings on the KX3. It makes that repetitive one-sided calling much easier. Just press a button to repeat. ▶️
I need to continue experimenting with the endfed elevation and orientation of the counterpoise.